How to flu-proof your cafe during winter

How to flu-proof your cafe during winter with Commercial Cleaning Sydney by DryTech Commercial Cleaning Services Sydney

The flu season is here.  This year, the flu season is unique.  Coronavirus has not been eradicated.  Australia has successfully flatten the curve but with the colder winter months, doctors are worried that a spike could return.

Every business in Australia now has a special responsibility to ensure that every precaution is taken to prevent a flu infection in the workplace.

Why businesses should prevent a flu outbreak

Coronavirus risk

A flu outbreak in Australia now can overstretched hospital capacities and health care personnel.

Australia, like the rest of the world, is concerned that the coronavirus pandemic may re-surface in winter.  We need all the medical resources available if this happens.  The flu is preventable.  There are measures employers and staff can take to minimise the risk of catching a flu during winter.   Taking measure to prevent a flu outbreak in your cafe is a responsible strategy to free up medical resources for a possible coronavirus spike

Saves money

A flu outbreak in the cafe is costly to a business.  Employees who are sick cannot come to work.  The business may have to pay additional wages engaging the services of a part-timer to fill the gaps.  Businesses will also have to pay additional health insurance premiums when hospitalisation claims increases.

Gives staff peace of mind

Everyone in the world is worried about coronavirus.  The flu is equally deadly.  Staff needs to know that the employers are taking measures to keep them safe when they return to work.

Improves staff productivity

Staff productivity can increase if they are feel safe and happy in the work environment.  Providing a comprehensive deep clean of the cafe to prevent a flu outbreak is a way of showing staff that management cares about their health and wellbeing.

How to prevent flu outbreak in the cafe

1. Steam clean the carpets and rugs

Carpets may look clean on the outside but harmful bacteria, germs and mould can live inside its fibres.

The most effective way to kill germs and bacteria in carpet is to steam clean it.  Steam cleaning uses high temperature steam to kill these harmful allergens.  Commercial properties like cafes, cafes and hotels are best left to experienced cleaning companies like DryTech Cleaning to handle.

Professional cleaning companies in Sydney like DryTech has the right equipment and tools to properly steam clean and disinfect carpets on a large scale.

If your business receives walk-in clients, it is important that common areas be dry cleaned every day.

A carpet dry cleaning service will ensure that heavy-foot-traffic areas like foyers, reception, lifts, and hallways are kept free of dirt, grime and foot debris.

2. Deep clean and disinfect the bathroom and toilets

Bathrooms are one of the dirtiest places in a cafe.  Bathrooms and toilets have to be deep cleaned, sanitised and properly deodorise to keep it safe for public and staff use.

Cleaning bathrooms in the workplace should be a task carried out by a professional cleaning company.  If your business is located in Sydney, you can call DryTech Commercial Cleaning for this specialist service.

DryTech’s commercial toilets and bathrooms cleaning includes:

  • Washing and disinfecting sinks
  • Washing and disinfecting toilet bowls
  • Washing and polishing floors
  • Removing mould in tile and grout
  • Wiping and sanitising doors, handles and switches
  • Emptying rubbish
  • Cleaning exhaust fans and light fittings
  • Removing odours
  • Cleaning windows

3. Deep cleaning of café kitchen

It is important that the kitchen in your café is regularly deep cleaned to prevent food contamination and work-related accidents.

DryTech’s café kitchen cleaning includes:

  • Wiping and sanitising floors and walls
  • Cleaning ovens and microwaves
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the fridges and cold room
  • Cleaning the dishwasher and sinks
  • Wiping down counter tops and cupboards
  • Cleaning and washing floors
  • Degreasing floors and surfaces
  • Removing spills and stains
  • Removing odours
  • Removing rubbish
  • Dusting walls and light fittings
  • Wiping and sanitising switches and door handles
  • Cleaning windows

4. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces

Every customer is concerned about infection.  It is important that your commercial cleaning company includes surfaces cleaning and sanitising into their cleaning roster.

A cafe has many surfaces customers and staff can come into contact with and every piece should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to prevent flu infections.  These can include walls, doors, tables, chairs, countertops and even the barista station.

To prevent flu from spreading amongst employees, regular wiping and disinfecting of door handles, light switches and power points are important.

5. Sanitising computers and workstations

Computers, keyboards, cashiers’ counters can be easily overlooked but these equipment are used multiple times every day.  People touch surfaces and if they do not wash their hands, it is easy for them to transfer bacteria or germs to their keyboards and computers.

Proper sanitising of these surfaces can reduce the risk of a flu outbreak in the cafe.

Other measures to prevent flu outbreak in the cafe

6. Encouraging staff to practise personal hygiene

Australians are used to hand sanitisers and masks these days.  All staff in the cafe should continue to practise personal hygiene like washing or sanitising their hands while working.

Businesses can make it easier for staff by providing sufficient hand sanitisers in common areas like kitchens, reception, and bathrooms.

Kitchen staff must be provided with sufficient PPE (personal protective equipment) like gloves, masks, hairnets and shoe coverings for food preparation.

7. Encouraging sick staff to stay home

Many of our employees are now able to work from home. If an employee is sick during flu season, he/she should continue working from home not at work.  Human resource can play a key role in promoting these health and safety practices as cafes re-open throughout Sydney.

8. Encouraging staff to be vaccinated

The flu vaccine is available.  All staff returning to work after the coronavirus quarantine should be vaccinated against the flu to prevent an outbreak in the cafe.

Taking responsible measures to prevent a flu outbreak in the cafe is important.  The deadly coronavirus is still around.  Until a vaccine is found, we do not want a worst case scenario of flu + coronavirus outbreak.

Stay safe.

DryTech Commercial Cleaning is one of Sydney’s best commercial cleaning companies.  For more information about our wide range of services or a free quote call: 02 9161 1621 or email: [email protected]